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Physics Syllabus (Adapted from Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board)

The physics tuition will be conducted in accordance to the Physics Syllabus. 


6.    Pressure



•      Pressure


•      Pressure differences


•          Pressure measurement Learning  Outcomes Candidates should be able to:

(a)   define the term pressure in terms of force and area


(b)   recall and apply the relationship pressure = force / area to new situations or to solve related problems


(c)   describe and explain the transmission of pressure in hydraulic systems with particular reference to the hydraulic press


(d)   recall and apply the relationship pressure due to a liquid column = height of column × density of the liquid × gravitational field strength to new situations or to solve related problems


(e)   describe how the height of a liquid column may be used to measure the atmospheric pressure


(f)    describe the use of a manometer in the measurement of pressure difference



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