Light and sound are both waves. So both carry energy from one place to another.
Light, which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, is a transverse wave, It can travel through a vacuum at speed 3.0 x 108 m/s. As the light travels from an optically less dense medium (air) to an optically denser medium (liquid or glass), the light undergoes refraction and bends towards the normal due to a decrease in speed.
Light: Optically less dense medium to denser medium:
– speed decreases
– wavelength shorter
– frequency remains constant
Sound is a longitudinal wave. It requires a medium to pass through and it cannot pass through a vacuum. Opposite to light, as the sound travels from a less dense medium (air) into a denser medium (water or solid), the speed increases.
Sound: Less dense medium to denser medium:
– speed increases
– wavelength longer
– frequency remains constant
Refers to the image below to understand how the waves behave in different mediums.
