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Physics Syllabus (Adapted from Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board)

The physics tuition will be conducted in accordance to the Physics Syllabus. 


9.    Transfer of Thermal Energy



•      Conduction


•      Convection


•      Radiation Learning Outcomes  Candidates should be able to:

(a)   show understanding that thermal energy is transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature


(b)   describe, in molecular terms, how energy transfer occurs in solids


(c)   describe, in terms of density changes, convection in fluids


(d)   explain that energy transfer of a body by radiation does not require a material medium and the rate of energy transfer is affected by:

(i)    colour and texture of the surface

(ii)   surface temperature

(iii)  surface area


(e)   apply the concept of thermal energy transfer to everyday applications


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